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<< juillet 2024 >>

englishPractical information - Museum of the Last cartridge


Opening hours :
     . from 6th january to 31th march : 13.30 p.m. - 17 p.m. 
     . from 1st april
to 30th september : 13.30 p.m. -18 p.m.
     . from 1st october to 14th december : 13.30 p.m.-17 p.m.

Closed :
     . Mondays and tuesdays
     . and from 15th december to 5th january

Admission prices :

     Adult :
3 €
1,50 €
     Military personnel and veterans :
1,50 €
     Familly (2 adults + 2-3 children) :
6 €
     Group (adults) :
1,50 € / adult
     Group (children) :
0,50 € / child





Address :

     12 rue de la Dernière cartouche
     08140 Bazeilles


Information : 
Phone : +33 (0)3 24 27 15 86





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